The modification of the national standard NOM-144-SEMARNAT-2012 that establishes the internationally recognized phytosanitary measures for wood packaging material, which is used for international trade in goods and assets updates such national standard to establish consistency The modification of the national standard NOM-144-SEMARNAT-2012 that establishes the internationally recognized phytosanitary measures for wood packaging material, which is used for international trade in goods and assets updates such national standard to establish consistency with the amendment of the International Standard for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPM) number 15, entitled “Regulation of wood packaging material in international trade” in order to fulfill Mexico’s commitments to the International Plant Protection Convention, increases the number of treatments officially recognized by Mexico, strengthens phytosanitary measures improving risk’s management of introduced quarantine pests, includes changes that help to maintain updated the Register of authorized individuals and to facilitate implementation and enforcement of this standard, and updates the certification scheme for individual and legal entities that apply phytosanitary treatments and use the Mark. With the amendment of the International Standard for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPM) number 15, entitled “Regulation of wood packaging material in international trade” in order to fulfill Mexico’s commitments to the International Plant Protection Convention, increases the number of treatments officially recognized by Mexico, strengthens phytosanitary measures improving risk’s management of introduced quarantine pests, includes changes that help to maintain updated the Register of authorized individuals and to facilitate implementation and enforcement of this standard, and updates the certification scheme for individual and legal entities that apply phytosanitary treatments and use the Mark.